There are several popular websites where you can sell your drawings, vector graphics, and 3D models. Here are some well-known platforms:
For Selling Vector Graphics:
- Shutterstock:
- Shutterstock Contributor
A leading platform for selling stock photos, illustrations, and vectors.
- Shutterstock Contributor
- Adobe Stock:
- Adobe Stock Contributor
Adobe’s platform for selling photos, illustrations, vectors, and videos.
- Adobe Stock Contributor
- iStock (by Getty Images):
- iStock Contributor
Offers a wide range of royalty-free stock content, including illustrations and vectors.
- iStock Contributor
- VectorStock:
- VectorStock Contributor
Specialized in vector graphics, it allows you to sell your illustrations.
- VectorStock Contributor
- Freepik:
- Freepik Contributor
A platform for free and premium graphic resources, including vectors.
- Freepik Contributor
For Selling 3D Models:
- TurboSquid:
- TurboSquid Artist
A leading marketplace for buying and selling 3D models.
- TurboSquid Artist
- CGTrader:
- CGTrader Sell 3D Models
An online platform for selling and buying 3D models.
- CGTrader Sell 3D Models
- Sketchfab:
- Sketchfab Store
Allows you to sell and buy 3D models in a real-time 3D environment.
- Sketchfab Store
- 3DOcean (Envato Market):
- 3DOcean
Part of the Envato Market, it focuses on 3D models and assets.
- 3DOcean
- Unity Asset Store:
- Unity Asset Store
If you create assets compatible with Unity, this platform is widely used by game developers.
- Unity Asset Store
Remember to carefully review the terms and conditions, commission structures, and licensing agreements of each platform before you start selling your work. Additionally, consider diversifying your presence across multiple platforms to reach a broader audience.