By default, the product edit page has several tabs that are never used for simple stores. In this article, the code you need to put in functions.php in your theme folder. In this example, the Deliveries tab is removed, but you can uncomment any line and the tab that you do not want to see in the admin panel will be removed.
function remove_tab_woo_custom($tabs){ //unset($tabs['general']); // Delete the General tab //unset($tabs['inventory']); // Delete the Stocks tab //unset($tabs['advanced']); // Delete the Advanced tab //unset($tabs['linked_product']); // Delete the Related Products tab unset($tabs['shipping']); // Delete the Deliveries tab //unset($tabs['attribute']); // Delete the Attributes tab //unset($tabs['variations']); // Delete the Variations tab return($tabs); } add_filter('woocommerce_product_data_tabs', 'remove_tab_woo_custom', 10, 1);