By default, all pages in the site header have a link from the logo to the home page. According to some SEO audits, it is recommended to remove the particular link to the home page from the logo.
In CS Cart, the logo file is placed in /design/themes/template/templates/blocks/static_templates/logo.tpl
To solve the problem, this block:
<a href="{""|fn_url}" title="{$logos.theme.image.alt}"> <img src="{$logos.theme.image.image_path}" width="{$logos.theme.image.image_x}" height="{$logos.theme.image.image_y}" alt="{$logos.theme.image.alt}" class="ty-logo-container__image" /> </a>
should be replaced with this one:
{if !($runtime.controller == 'index' && $runtime.mode == 'index')} <a href="{""|fn_url}" title="{$logos.theme.image.alt}"> {/if} <img src="{$logos.theme.image.image_path}" width="{$logos.theme.image.image_x}" height="{$logos.theme.image.image_y}" alt="{$logos.theme.image.alt}" class="ty-logo-container__image" /> {if !($runtime.controller == 'index' && $runtime.mode == 'index')} </a> {/if}