Someday I will describe the way of creating a multisite for WordPress without database clones and installing plugins. But in this article I am describing a solution when several sites work with the same database and with the same admin panel, and for example, for a subdomain I need to automatically change the content (in this case, the city).
Copy and paste the function into functions.php as shown below:
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if($host == "" or $host == "") { function replace_content($content) { $content = str_replace('first phrase to replace', 'edited first phrase',$content); $content = str_replace('second phrase to replace', 'edited second phrase',$content); $content = str_replace('third phrase to replace', 'edited third phrase',$content); return $content; } add_filter('the_content','replace_content'); }
Similarly, you can change the content on the fly depending on the language versions, when instead of checking the host, you can check the language prefix in the link.